Thursday, 16 May 2013

Printing- sneak peek!

So I've been very busy in the print room printing my repeated lengths- 3 in total of 4m each! After all the hard work of designing and kodatracing, it's great to see my vision come to life. Heres a few photos taken during printing...

Strike off- testing out my colours and checking the design
This length was printed on fabric I dyed myself- it took a while to get just the right shade of yellowy green! Really pleased with how it looks in repeat.
This length used the same yellow/green shade on a black cotton this time, with the second screen printed in glue, ready to be foiled.
and here's a close up of how it looks finished, it took a long time to cut out the pieces of foil and press by hand in a small heat press. I love this beautiful multicolour iridescent foil, I'm hoping it will catch the light well when it's hung.

There's also a rather lovely purple/pink silk length with a black flock print, but I'll save that to show you later!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


After all that test printing, I've been working hard on the layout of my design repeat. I've been looking at a range of inspirations from Joanna Basford to timorous beasties, and have resolved what will hopefully be a successful design. It's going to be a two colour print, with the majority of it in one colour and small highlight areas in a second.

Here is my kodatrace in progress, I can't wait to get printing!